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Year 3 Class News

Skills for Survival

In P.E. this week, the Year 3 children extended their learning in History on The Stone Age by practising some of the skills that would be necessary for their survival. Firstly, in a devised game, the children made sure that they could run away quickly from danger and then they practised throwing a spear (a javelin) accurately and powerfully at their prey. Stone Age people would have needed to run quickly whilst avoiding obstacles or avoiding others, so the Year 3 children completed obstacle courses before dragging their bison or deer to their cave. They did have to avoid being caught by a ferocious tiger (Mrs. K) on the way. Being able to jump high to grab fruit and berries off trees would be a useful skill so our Stone Age children practised that skill too. Well done Year 3, your skills would equip you for Stone Age life.

For more photos click here for the Year3 Class Gallery

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