Year 6 managing nerves
Preparation for entrance examinations
Many of our children are sitting entrance examinations in the first few weeks of the autumn term and we were lucky enough to have a local GP come into the school to talk to the children about managing their worries and anxieties ahead of their upcoming assessments. She told the children that although they were well-prepared and were ready to do their best, being nervous was a very normal thing and experienced by everyone. She talked to the children about the importance of a good breakfast and drinking plenty of water during the day. Another important message was to get enough sleep and relax. In order for our brains and bodies to be in the best condition and reduce possible anxieties she encouraged the children to try to remain calm and ensure that they give it their very best on the day.
We wish all of our children sitting entrance exams the very best over the next few weeks - we are all very proud of you.