Reception Class News
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Harvest Time
This week we have been extending our learning about Autumn and thinking about Harvest. We have learnt all about how and why Harvest is celebrated and how lucky we are to have access to delicious fruits and vegetables all year round. The children have enjoyed printing with vegetables in the Art area, making Pumpkin soup in the Sensory tray, completing repeating patterns with fruit in the Maths area and visiting our new Pumpkin Patch Role-play area! The children have written what they are thankful for on leaves to add to the Gratitude Tree during the Harvest Festival and they made a great attempt at writing their own shopping lists with their favourite fruits and vegetables on too!
For more photo see the Reception Class Gallery.
Autumn Leaves are Falling!
As part of our learning all about Autumn, we enjoyed reading 'The Leaf Man's story. Next, we went on a leaf hunt and made our own 'Leaf Man' creations back in the classroom. We then labelled our creations using lots of Autumnal describing words.
The Reception children have also enjoyed making puddle pictures in the Art Area, making Hedgehogs with the play dough and developing their fine manipulative skills by picking Autumnal objects out of the Spiders Web using tweezers! To conclude our Autumn learning, the children enjoyed conducting an 'Autumn Hunt' with their clipboards, finding lots of interesting objects to then investigate and write about back in the classroom.
For more photo see the Reception Class Gallery.
World Mental Health Day
As part of World Mental Health Day, we talked lots about our feelings and what they mean. We shared a story called 'The Great Big Book of Feelings' which led us to think about how we were feeling and discuss why we felt this way. We learnt about how important it is to look after our minds as well as our bodies and thought about ways in which we could do this. This led us to enjoy a walk in the sunshine, doing some mediation outdoors before finishing with a relaxing Yoga Session in the classroom!
For more photo see the Reception Class Gallery.
European Languages Day
Today we celebrated European Day of Languages and in Reception, we focused on the country 'Spain'. We learnt lots of facts about Spain, including; popular foods, landmarks, sports, celebrations and traditions. The children then enjoyed activities to support their learning about Spain, we enjoyed doing some Flamenco dancing, painting the famous football shirts, making Spanish flags in the creative area and even tasting some of the foods Spain is famous for. We put our creations together on to a large T shirt which we paraded very proudly to the rest of the school during a special assembly in the afternoon!
For more photo see the Reception Class Gallery.
Forest School
The Reception children have enjoyed making clay faces in the forest garden today. This began with the children describing each other and then adding googly eyes and natural materials to clay to make their own faces on tree trunks!
For more photo see the Reception Class Gallery.
The Start of Our School Journey.......
Our new Reception class have made a tremendous start to their school journey this week. They have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each other and exploring our new learning environment. The children have also enjoyed their first Music, Computing and Forest School session too!
Well done Reception! You have showed great independence and maturity this week and we look forward to watching you continue to flourish as the school year progresses...
For more photo see the Reception Class Gallery.