Reception News 2018-2019
Survival Skills
Cyber Crime Investigator Visitor
Today, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a visit from Detective Investigator, Paul Perry. We learned a lot about how the police service can help people, how they keep us safe and respond to emergencies.
The children thought about how to make an emergency call and how to report a crime. All the children received a gift to take home.
Reception have thoroughly enjoyed our 'Minibeasts' topic. We have cared for our own caterpillars and frogspawn, whilst recording their development. We have made our own frogspawn to explore, painted frogs on rocks, built giant bug hotels to home our minibeasts as well as created natural habitats for our minibeasts to live in within the sand and water. We enjoyed a trip to Ashton Park and invited the community in to join us for an 'Awe and Wonder' open afternoon. Our topic will finish with an 'Ugly Bug Ball', this will involve dressing-up, dancing, eating bugs (edible of course!) and saying goodbye to our beautiful butterflies and tadpoles as they continue their adventure in the big wide world!
Take a look in our photo gallery for all the photos
Reception enjoyed 'taking a line for a walk (caminad) jump (saltad) swim (nadad)' in Spanish. We then coloured in the patterns we had made Miro-style ??Well done, Reception, keep having fun!
Searching for Buzz and Woody
After reading the story book 'Toy Story', the Reception children were sad to hear that Buzz and Woody were missing!
The children in Reception decided to create and place Wanted Posters around every area of our school and its grounds. With no sight of either Buzz or Woody, the children set up a search party to go and find them.
The children checked out rubbish areas, spoke to Mrs.Rigby about the lost property in the office and continued searching around school. On the way, the children asked other teachers if they had spotted either of them. Continuing on to Mrs.Callaway's office and still no sign, Mrs.Callaway asked the children if she could be of any help and then kindly helped us search. Lo and behold, we found Woody hiding in her office.
We continued our search through pre-school and then to the outdoor area. Looking into the sky, the children observed streaks of white which they believed may have come from the power pack that Buzz uses to help him fly. Continuing our search, Buzz was found hiding outside, behind a sack.
The game was up! The children happily returned to the classroom, spreading the news on the way that they had found both Buzz and Woody.
Great work Reception, mission accomplished!
Happy New Year from all of us in Reception!
We celebrated by watching the firework production that was displayed in London and then we learnt all about New Year and the usual traditions such as making New Year's resolutions.
We read a story called 'Little by Little' which gives a message of encouragement to children about trying hard and learning new skills.
We then shared and recorded our own thoughts about our New Year's Resolutions to go on to our class display.
"To make the world a better place" was just one of the fantastic contributions from our Reception class!
Posting Letters to Santa
Stay & Play Sessions
This week we welcomed our parents in to our Reception classroom and they enjoyed joining in with all of our Halloween themed activities. We have been decorating our own pumpkins, exploring cinnamon scented playdough, creating witches using 2D shapes, scary storytelling in our reading garden and much more as you can see from the photographs below...
Chester Zoo Safari Workshop
Bella the Zoo Ranger came to visit us in Reception, firstly she asked what the children's favourite animals are. The main aim of the visit was to talk about the Rainforest, where it is, what lives there and how we can help it from disappearing. Bella explained to the children that the Rainforest was a very hot and humid place where we would find lots of birds, animals and plants.
The children listened to a video clip of the noises of the Rainforest, they were then asked to have a go at making the sounds themselves by clapping their hands, clicking their tongues and stamping their feet.
Bella showed the children a picture of a bird, she explained that it was a Hornbill and also had a skull of one to show the children the length of its beak and how it uses it to find food in the bark of a tree.
Bella showed the children a picture of a plant called a Rafflesia, this grows in the Rainforest and has a strong smell which attracts flies, the plant then eats the flies. Bella had a smell box of this plant so that the children could smell just how bad it is!!!!
Bella showed a picture of an Orangutan, it was a male one from the Zoo and his big cheeks show he is the male. She showed the children an Orangutans skull, explaining how similar their teeth are to human teeth. Bella explained that the Orangutans live in the trees in the Rainforest using its large hands to swing from tree to tree.
Bella talked to the children about the Rainforest is being cut down because of the food and other products we buy. She showed the children labels to look for when out shopping to help us keep the Rainforests safe.
Reading Garden
Reception have been on an Autumn hunt, using all of their senses to explore the environment around them! We have collected some autumnal objects such as conkers, pine cones and beautifully coloured leaves to investigate in the classroom. The children are going to help to create a 'Reading Garden' within their classroom using their findings.