Year 3 News 2022-2023
Beach School
Year 3 have had a fantastic time at beach school this half term. We have had lovely weather and have been able to enjoy the sunshine while building a whole class sandcastle! The children also had fun building sand robots linking to the story we are learning in English: The Iron Man. Year 3 have learnt lots about the beach; such as a reminder of the different types of tides, looking around and naming plant and animal life we can find on the beach, drawing sketches of the landscape, as well as naming different types of clouds. In addition, Year 3 looked at which way the wind is blowing and used this knowledge to have raft races on a rock pool using rafts they made themselves using lolly sticks and elastic bands. At the end of each session, the children were very lucky to enjoy a tasty ice lolly.
See more photo in the Year 3 Gallery.
Challenge Day
Year 3 have had a fantastic challenge day! They learnt so many skills of resilience, team work, respect, perseverance and to be proud of themselves. We had lots of super scoring from all our house teams and everyone worked well together to support each other, even if they were from a different house. Well done Year 3!
See more photo in the Year 3 Gallery.
Detective Time
It’s that time again when we predict our new book we will be learning about in English. This time, there was a crime scene in our classroom! The children took on the roles of detectives and using their clipboards and investigation sheets, they wrote down their observations and any questions they had. After, we discussed that we predicted the story might be about a metal robot from another planet that was broken into pieces, possibly from a war with other robots. The children are very excited to find out what their next story is!
See more photo in the Year 3 Gallery.