Year 6 Class News
Throwing & Catching Skills
This half term, the Year 6 children have been working hard on their throwing and catching skills and on incorporating them into the game of Netball. They have gained a sound knowledge of the rules and positions, and have developed a good tactical understanding. Many of the children have really enjoyed playing Netball and have had fun whilst playing.
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Visit to Allerton Synagogue and St Georges' Church
Year 6 had a wonderful day on Wednesday putting their learning into practice on a visit to Allerton Synagogue and St George’s Church. The children learned all about the features of a Synagogue and a Church and were able to compare and contrast the two places of worship. We found out that St George’s Church is one of only three Iron churches in the world. We got to hear the Ram’s horn being blown to signal Jewish New Year at the Synagogue. Thanks to all our helpful instructors for an enjoyable visit. It really enhanced our RE learning.
Click on the link to view the Year 6 Gallery
Team Building at Beach School
Year 6 enjoyed team building exercises at Beach School this week. Each child worked as part of their group and then joined together with the rest of the class in linked projects.
First Beach School Session
Beach School is always an enjoyable experience for the children and this week’s beach visit was no exception. In teams, the children were given the task of designing and creating a two or three D shape, using poles and connectors or using barbecue sticks and small elastic bands. Each group had a turn with the different equipment with imaginative results. The conversations and teamwork showed a good level of co-operation. The children finished the session off with an energetic game of beach tag.
Click on the link to view the Year 6 Gallery