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Maths at Avalon School (KS1 and KS2)

Below are some of the methods we use when working with the children in mathematics. We work methodically and carefully through different stages of calculation to enable children to consolidate their knowledge before moving on to more "efficient" methods. A great emphasis is placed, throughout the school, on mental computation which can be supplemented with jottings. More formal written methods, as can be seen here, are used to calculate when it has become too difficult to proceed mentally. We encourage children to be secure with number bonds (eg knowing 3 + 7 = 10, 12 + 8 = 20 and up to 53 + 47 = 100) and times tables. Children need to be able to understand the inverse of tables (eg knowing 6 x 4  = 24 and 24 divided by 4 = 6).

We also encourage children to use partitioning skills to solve questions. (eg 23 x 6 can be split into 3 x 6 = 18 and 20 x 6 = 120, so 23 x 6 = 138)

If you would like further explanation or demonstration, please see your child's teacher or Mr Ashton in school.

You can also find our calculation policy which sets out the agreed method of calculation within our school and the presentation that Mr Ashton gave on the two evenings.

The following advice is from the Family Maths Toolkit, produced by National Numeracy

Advice for Families

​We all use maths every day, often without realising it. We believe that every child can develop the numeracy skills they will need, both at school and throughout their lives. Helping your child feel confident about maths now gives them a head start.

How maths helps

A good understanding of everyday maths will help your child with important tasks, such as making decisions and understanding information. It will also help them develop essential lifelong skills such as:

  • Working out how much food is needed for the family meal and following recipes
  • Splitting the bill after a meal out with friends and working out what tip to leave
  • Converting currency rates when abroad
  • Managing personal finances, budgeting and saving
  • Working out which are the best buys in the supermarket, checking change, working out sale price of an item
  • Getting to work on time, estimating how long a journey will take, knowing when to fill up on fuel
  • Planning an outing for the family, packing a lunchbox or suitcase
  • Knowing if the answer on the calculator is reasonable, or if you pressed the wrong button
  • Reading data presented in a variety of forms, such as graphs and tables, scales on a thermometer or weighing scales, and interpreting statistics in the news
  • DIY jobs such as painting and decorating, or working out how many walls tiles are needed to cover an area.

You can also find some information and advice here