Relationship & Health Education
Parent Consultation February 2024
This page has the material that will be used in our Relationship and Health Education Classes available for your information. Attached at the bottom of the page is an updated copy of the school's policies on Relationship and Health Education.
The following video will be shown from Reception to Year 6. The video is from the NSPCC and introduces the Pantasaurus, a dinosaur that wants every child to stay safe and strong, and he's on a mission to share an important message. This video will be shown along with a lesson developed by the NSPCC.
Reception to Year 6 Video – Pantasaurus
The following video will be shown to Years 4,5 and 6 and is an introduction to the changes that are bodies go through during puberty.
Videos for Year 4, 5 and 6
In Years 5 and 6, the more in depth videos explaining boys' and girls' changing bodies will be shown:
How Boys’ Bodies Grow During Puberty